The Deer House
Maarten Vanden Abeele
Maarten Vanden Abeele
Maarten Vanden Abeele
Maarten Vanden Abeele
Maarten Vanden Abeele
Maarten Vanden Abeele
Maarten Vanden Abeele

Text, scenography, images Jan Lauwers

With Grace Ellen Barkey, Anneke Bonnema, Hans Petter Dahl, Viviane De Muynck, Misha Downey, Julien Faure, Benoît Gob, Yumiko Funaya, Maarten Seghers, Eléonore Valère (replaces Tijen Lawton) and Inge Van Bruystegem.

Music  Hans Petter Dahl, Maarten Seghers
Except “Song for the deer house”, which was written by Jan Lauwers

Costumes ‹Lot Lemm

A production by Needcompany and Salzburger Festspiele.

Coproduction Schauspielhaus Zurich, PACT Zollverein (Essen).

With the collaboration of deSingel (Antwerp),
La Rose des vents (Scène national de Villeneuve d’Ascq), Kaaitheater (Brussels).

With the support of the Flemish authorities.

Perner-Insel, Hallein, Salzburger Festspiele  
28 July 2008


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July 2008
28 JulSalzburg ATSalzburger Festspiele Premiere
29 JulSalzburg ATSalzburger Festspiele
30 JulSalzburg ATSalzburger Festspiele
September 2008
25 SepBrussels BEKaaitheater
26 SepBrussels BEKaaitheater
27 SepBrussels BEKaaitheater
October 2008
09 OctAntwerp BEdeSingel
10 OctAntwerp BEdeSingel
11 OctAntwerp BEdeSingel
December 2008
01 DecZurich CHSchauspielhaus Zurich
02 DecZurich CHSchauspielhaus Zurich
03 DecZurich CHSchauspielhaus Zurich
March 2009
06 MarEssen DEPACT Zollverein
07 MarEssen DEPACT Zollverein
April 2009
18 AprRotterdam NLRotterdamse Schouwburg
29 AprTurnhout BEde Warande
May 2009
06 MayLeuven BESTUK Kunstencentrum vzw
26 MayWeimar DEDeutsches Nationaltheater und Staatskapelle Weimar
27 MayWeimar DEDeutsches Nationaltheater und Staatskapelle Weimar
June 2009
06 JunGrogingen NLStadsschouwburg Groningen
July 2009
13 JulAvignon FRFestival d'Avignon
16 JulAvignon FRFestival d'Avignon
17 JulAvignon FRFestival d'Avignon
August 2009
28 AugHamburg DEInternationales Sommerfestival Hamburg
29 AugHamburg DEInternationales Sommerfestival Hamburg
30 AugHamburg DEInternationales Sommerfestival Hamburg
September 2009
01 SepAmsterdam NLStadsschouwburg Amsterdam
October 2009
13 OctBruges BECC Brugge
27 OctGhent BEKunstencentrum Vooruit
31 OctGhent BEKunstencentrum Vooruit
December 2009
02 DecBarcelona ESTeatre Lliure / Grec festival
03 DecBarcelona ESTeatre Lliure / Grec festival
March 2010
18 MarGrenoble FRMC2 - Maison de la Culture de Grenoble
31 MarBogotá COFestival Iberoamericano de Teatro Bogotá
April 2010
01 AprBogotá COFestival Iberoamericano de Teatro Bogotá
02 AprBogotá COFestival Iberoamericano de Teatro Bogotá
03 AprBogotá COFestival Iberoamericano de Teatro Bogotá
04 AprBogotá COFestival Iberoamericano de Teatro Bogotá
10 AprSevilla ESTeatro Central
11 AprSevilla ESTeatro Central
15 AprGranada ESTeatro Alhambra
16 AprGranada ESTeatro Alhambra
22 AprMarseille FRThéâtre Le Merlan
23 AprMarseille FRThéâtre Le Merlan
24 AprMarseille FRThéâtre Le Merlan
May 2010
07 MayParis FRThéâtre de la Ville
08 MayParis FRThéâtre de la Ville
10 MayParis FRThéâtre de la Ville
11 MayParis FRThéâtre de la Ville
12 MayParis FRThéâtre de la Ville
June 2010
18 JunVienna ATBurgtheater
19 JunVienna ATBurgtheater
20 JunVienna ATBurgtheater
September 2010
03 SepHanover DESchauspielhaus Hannover
17 SepBelgrade RSBITEF - Belgrade International Theatre Festival
October 2010
05 OctNew York City USBrooklyn Academy of Music
07 OctNew York City USBrooklyn Academy of Music
08 OctNew York City USBrooklyn Academy of Music
09 OctNew York City USBrooklyn Academy of Music
22 OctSarajevo BAInternational Theater Festival MESS
November 2010
21 NovBrussels BEKaaitheater
22 NovBrussels BEKaaitheater
December 2010
06 DecVienna ATBurgtheater
07 DecVienna ATBurgtheater
08 DecVienna ATBurgtheater
January 2011
07 JanSantiago de Chile CLFestival Internacional Santiago a Mil
08 JanSantiago de Chile CLFestival Internacional Santiago a Mil
09 JanSantiago de Chile CLFestival Internacional Santiago a Mil
April 2011
01 AprCopenhagen DKREPUBLIQUE
14 AprSète FRScène Nationale de Sète et du Bassin de Thau
15 AprSète FRScène Nationale de Sète et du Bassin de Thau
May 2011
13 MayClermont-Ferrand FRLa Comédie de Clermont-Ferrand, scène nationale
17 MaySaint-Médard-en-Jalles FRLe Carré-Les Colonnes
18 MaySaint-Médard-en-Jalles FRLe Carré-Les Colonnes
August 2011
05 AugTampere FITampere Theatre Festival
06 AugTampere FITampere Theatre Festival
September 2011
24 SepNitra SKDivadelná Nitra - International Theatre Festival
May 2012
27 MaySibiu ROSibiu International Theatre Festival
28 MaySibiu ROSibiu International Theatre Festival
May 2013
03 MayNice FRTNN - Théâtre National de Nice
04 MayNice FRTNN - Théâtre National de Nice

Jan Lauwers on The Deer House:

"Art is actually all about man and human nature and all good art is a self-portrait of the observer. ‘One sees what one has learnt.’ In good theatre things happen which cannot happen in video, film or art. As a medium, theatre has the most direct link with ‘human nature’ since it is performed by people and for people. It is essential to seek out this human nature so that theatre can redefine itself in order to survive. This means it is necessary to tell new stories.

I was prompted to write The Deer House by the sometimes tragic peripheral events that take place within the close circle of NC. While we were on tour somewhere in France, one of our dancers, Tijen Lawton, received the news that her brother, the war journalist Kerem Lawton, had been shot dead in Kosovo. His tragic death provided the starting point for a play about a group of theatre-makers who are increasingly faced with the harsh reality of the world they travel around in. Everything is politics, but art isn’t everything. Art always gets caught between the pages of history: it is futile and has no influence on any events at all, which is where the mysterious necessity for it lies."

The Salzburger Festpiele invited Jan Lauwers to make a new production, The Deer House, for summer 2008. Together with Isabella’s room (2004) and The Lobster Shop (2006) this new production makes up a trilogy on human nature: Sad Face / Happy Face. The trilogy as a whole was performed for the first time at the Salzburger Festspiele.

> Read more

Text, scenography, images Jan Lauwers

With Grace Ellen Barkey, Anneke Bonnema, Hans Petter Dahl, Viviane De Muynck, Misha Downey, Julien Faure, Benoît Gob, Yumiko Funaya, Maarten Seghers, Eléonore Valère (replaces Tijen Lawton) and Inge Van Bruystegem.

Music  Hans Petter Dahl, Maarten Seghers
Except “Song for the deer house”, which was written by Jan Lauwers

Costumes ‹Lot Lemm

A production by Needcompany and Salzburger Festspiele.

Coproduction Schauspielhaus Zurich, PACT Zollverein (Essen).

With the collaboration of deSingel (Antwerp),
La Rose des vents (Scène national de Villeneuve d’Ascq), Kaaitheater (Brussels).

With the support of the Flemish authorities.

Perner-Insel, Hallein, Salzburger Festspiele  
28 July 2008

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